Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Health Care

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past months, it is impossible to be completely unaware of all the talk about our nation's health care system. There has been numerous discussions and a lot of media coverage about what our nation should do about the contention within health care cost, especially since the election of the new President who is adamant in administering a new health care plan. The plan involves expanding health coverage throughout America while reducing the cost; all while maintaining adequate quality. Sounds like a tough problem to go about solving, which is why I'm glad I am not the President of the United States.
Though I do not set out to be the future president of the U.S, but merely a bioengineer; and thinking like an engineer brings about the questions of how technology is able to reduce the cost of health care. Once again it might be up to engineers to do behind the scenes work in order to eradicate this pressing issue. I believe technology must play a key role in eliminating the errors within hospitals and clinics which ultimately saves money. Because within a company, it is evident that errors cost money.

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