Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Evidence vs. Wishful Thinking

Researching this topic proved to be pretty difficult. There was only limited information on how technology is able to reduce health care cost. Also, many of the sites and references available did not seem like a reliable source. I obviously was unable to think of ten ways that technology could aid in this problem, however I did zero in on a few good ideas and provided significant evidence in how to go about executing these technological advances in order to reduce the errors in health care systems. I don't believe that many of the references vested in personal interest in making the claims, but rather provided suggestions for other sources through extensive research to help solve the issue. This includes recognizing and analyzing the rate of medical administration errors that occur in a hospital and how it deters patient recovery; therefore increasing overall health care cost for others. Most of the references I used in order to verify the role of technology were more than just wishful thinking. However that does not mean that there were not numerous sites with only wishful outlooks out on the web.

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