Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cheetah Flex Foot: Diagram

Important Components of Flex Foot
- Carbon fiber material
- Artificial Socket
vertical shock absorber
determines ability to control actions of limb adn amputee's comfort
connected by an inverted pyramid shaped fitting - allows for angular change
- Leg (Calf Shank)
fitted with elastic springs - convert gravitational energy to kinetic energy
largest component of the flex foot
vertical shock pylon - reduces impact to residual limb
- Heel/Foot
fitted with elastic springs - convert gravitational energy to kinetic energy
active tibial progression - forces at heel are translated to linear motion
Carbon X active heel - stores energy during loading responses
energy vector optimization - controls how ground reaction forces are transferred
converts ground reaction forces to kinetic energy.

Springs - responsable for propelling the body forward (similar to a tendon)
converts weight into energy
Body Weight - the matter transferred throughout the flex foot system